? ??????????????Purple Love Circles? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.3 (3 Ratings)??4 Grabs Today. 2320 Total Grabs.
??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????Spot Colors? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.0 (1 Rating)??0 Grabs Today. 819 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Cu BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Holly has always been a ham. She loves the camera. The only time she doesn't take a good picture is when I tell her to stay and then you can see her make this face that says should I move and if I move what will happen? You can just see it in her face that she is really thinking about what to do. This picture she is relaxed and all ready for some love. Isn't she the cutest.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

This is Rosie, our work mascot. Rosie is a milded tempered mix and loves her belly rubs. It was a cute video that I took at work and thought you would enjoy it. It doesn't take much to make a dog happy. Just don't be envious. Leave a comment on what you think.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Catch It If You Can

Funny Video~ When at the AZ Center in downtown Phoenix, AZ we found this dog and owner having a bit of fun and trying to stay cool. It is a must see clip.

Let me know what you think. Leave a comment...


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Holly's Blankie

Do you see that look in her eyes? This means she is ready for bed and already in bed because she gave up waiting on me to go to bed. I have been keeping her up late at night while I am researching about my blog. I know I have been getting a little off track with the story line but I wanted to have a little more creativity with my blog along with the story line I have set up. I will return to the story next week. For now I wanted to talk about her bedtime routine. I normally take her for her last bathroom break and she sits with me until I finish at the computer until time for bed. She has a dog bed near my feet at the computer but she can't sleep there without her blankie that you see in these pics.
Do you see the blanket under her? She loves this blanket it was made by my grandmother and Holly's great grandmother who has since passed. I know what you are thinking that she is spoiled. Well I don't think so because she is still such a sweet little girl. This blanket she has to sleep on every night. On one side it is flannel and the other it is cute little distorted puppy faces. It was quilted for her too. My grandma was a good sport about the whole thing. Once I am done at the computer I pick her up and give her kisses next to her ear. She loves it and likes to listen as I make kissy noise. Her eyes slowly shut and open as though she feels special. Then I place her in bed next to me and sing a little while I rub her tummy until she falls asleep but once the tummy rubbing over she usually goes to the foot of the bed and parks herself there for the night until morning. Well, now that she is settled in I must go because she can't sleep without me. She needs her nightly belly rub and kisses in her ear.
I found this great you tube video of other dogs nightly routines.
This a Holly nightly update and I hope all your and your best friends dreams are pleasant ones.
Good night and don't let the bed bugs bite.

X Marks The Spot

The right spot is important to any one of canine persuasion. Holly Day is no different in that respect. I know what you are thinking is she really going to blog about that. The answer although somewhat shocking is yes. Even though this does not normally come up in my typical conversations I must say that watching her on the hunt for just the right spot is quit entertaining at best. The first thing she does is go sniffing in all different directions and I can almost hear theme music in the background as though she is a contestant and only has a limited time to sniff out the prize. She starts by looking at me as though she is awaiting the question then the head goes down sniffing in many different directions at once. She may go back to one spot and sniff a little longer but she has to keep going and DING..DING...DING... DING...DING! SHE FINDS IT!

I almost want to say, "Announcer tell her what she has won....".

"Well folks, Holly has won one long quit exciting walk with her owner which includes but not limited to a beautiful leash that stretches out as she is walking and matching harness but that's not all a life time supply of love and a roof over her for the rest of her life."

Now, I ask what more could a dog ask for?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day Everyone! The jobs have gone to the dogs today only. lol

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I just added some fun graphics I hope all my fellow Dog Bloger enjoy. If you like them drop me a comment. I would love to hear from you.

Please come back again to visit because I am just getting started.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Throw A Dog A Bone Rainy Dog Day

Rainy Day today and Holly hates to get wet as you can see on her face today.

It's a rainy day today so I thought I would throw you a bone as my owner does me from time to time. Have you ever heard the expression "It's raining like cats and dogs". Well this is why I stay in side cause my owner wants me safe and warm. I hate thunder storms and get very scared without my owner so on days like this we play games to keep my mind off of it.

Here are some suggestions for you and your dogs:

Just for Fun: You Tube

Other funny things. Ok, people listen and listen good. Mom stepped out of the house for a bit and as always I got on the computer for a little bit of fun and I think I saw my twin. Only you can decide. I saw a Singing dog
This is all the time I have for now but I will be back for more furry fun.

Chapter 3 "Life Unknown"

Holly loved the large land that she lived on and romping acrossed the property playing with her brothers and sisters. She was able to go and come as she pleased with the doggie door. Noticing that the owners were not around as much and the dad seemed to be weaker than usual she tried to play with him but he didn't play with her any more. Every time that Holly felt she wasn't getting enough attention she would draw attention to her but it wasn't good attention. getting into things where ever she could. Mostly food related. She would eat her pain. She knew that something wasn't right. He wore a funny mask that he use to not wear and lived in the recliner. He shewed her away when she wanted to lay an his lap and was cranky too. She was taking this quit personal. barking and bitting at the brothers and sisters dogs that would take the place she wanted to be to the point of them needing to keep her away from the others dogs in the house.

Holly was getting worried this time it was a very long time before the dad came back home. Knowing something was wrong she went into protective mode. This time she would protect at all cost. Determined to keep anything and any one away, she claims her territory. The whole family was over this day with kids and grandkids talking about dad's last stay in the hospital. Holly shoots into action jumping over the coffee table and around the lamp on to dad's lap the moment he got into his chair no one will stop HOLLY POWER dun-du-da-dun- dun-dun-don-da-dun. (THATS RIGHT FASTER THAN A SPEEDY CAT CHASE, MORE POWERFUL THAN A DOG CATCHING HIS OWN TAIL, HOLLY IS OFF TO SAVE THE DAY) Holly thinks, "their going to thank me for this in the morning".

This time you won't shew me away and no one else either, Holly thinks to herself. The family is too busy to notice with all the people there and since dad was away for so long he was glad that Holly came to greet him and too weak to remove her himself he left her sitting on his lap and started to drift off to sleep. The adults were talking things out while the grand kids all played next to grandpa. Holly was protective looking to the right then the left then the right again. Nothing will penetrate the enemy line. She sees one of the grand kids coming towards her and stands up in defense of her territory. Holly says, "Don't come any closer grandpa needs his rest and I will be forced to protect." Forgetting that all the grandkids heard was barking. The adults took notice of Holly just as she lunges for the two year old hand tying to get on to grandpa's lap. Abby starts loud streaming crying when every one runs toward her and mom towards Holly. Holly was in hot water for sure this day.

Months went by then weeks and Holly's owners decide very hesitantly to start finding homes for Holly and a few of her siblings due to the dad's health issues and fiances. Dad has not worked in some time and mom was staying home a lot helping dad. The plan was to find fits with personality. They began to have friends and family be on the look out for the right people for their fabulous dogs.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Chapter 2 "Life With Out Holly Day"

While Holly was still settling in with the new family, I was making a home for myself. I mean I just had bought my first home and was working and caring for my mom who just found out she had cancer the months prior to Holly's birth. I had moved back to my home town and adjusting to living with my mother again who had moved in with me. Even though we were close it still is hard for someone in there twenties to co-exist with a parent especially one that is ill. Don't get me wrong I wanted to be with her because I wanted to help her in any way that I could. I loved her deeply and we made it work. The first year was easy if you could call it that but the two years following were extremely difficult. We had God on our side and believed that through him anything was possible.

I was away from the family drama for so long I forgot how bad and difficult it could be to live around so much chaos. I knew that if my mom would ever get better I would need to put as much faith and positive thinking around her as possible. Cancer is a scary thing even for someone who has battled it twice before and won. I had every reason to believe that this battle was won before we ever had to play the game. With God, a strong women as my mom and a support team, Who could beat a strong team as ours. That was before the Chemo, radiation and all the other torture she endured as a result of trying to get better. It wasn't easy but I guess a life worth living is never easy.

The similarity of Holly and my life I didn't think about until later. You see, when Holly was taking her first steps I was helping my mom take her first steps to the bathroom after her first chemo treatment. When Holly received her first shots as a pup... I was learning how to give my mom diabetic shots. Holly's first food... I was planing out menus to go along with her meds. Holly's dogie door training... I was learning how to change my moms diapers and urine bags. Holly was getting her weekly baths... I was learning how to give my mom baths in bed.

During this time I was looking for a dog for my mom because they say that a dog will help the healing process and my mom had a dog when she was first married to my dad that was her baby before we ever came along. I thought it would be great for us both and some entertainment as well. We went for months down to the pounds and other rescue places but as time went by we gave up on the idea. Some how I think God knew what I needed before I could even ask for it.